What are shipping KDEs and why do I need to share them with my customers?

Your customer is asking you to share traceability data with them in order to comply with FDA Food Traceability Rule (FSMA 204) requirements. Learn what data you'll need to share and why.

The rule stipulates that shippers covered under the rule must maintain records (KDEs) containing the following information about the food, as well as send them to the next recipient in the supply chain (the entity they are shipping to, i.e. their customer): 

  • The traceability lot code for the food;   
  • The quantity and unit of measure of the food;
  • The product description for the food;
  • Location description for the immediate subsequent recipient (other than a transporter) of the food;
  • Location description for the location from which you shipped the food;
  • The date you shipped the food;
  • The location description for the traceability lot code source, or the traceability lot code source reference;
  • The reference document type and reference document number (maintain only). 

You will need to share your shipping KDEs with all entities (customers) you ship FTL foods to. Even if your customers have not yet asked you to share your shipping KDEs with them, you will be required to do so by January 20, 2026.

Additional Information: FDA.gov, FDA.gov (PDF download)