Providing Shipping Data Using the Data Upload Option

How do I submit Shipping Data using the Data Upload option?

In order to provide SHIPPING data via the Data Upload option, you must first download the "Shipping Template".  To do this:

  • Navigate to the Data Management Menu.
  • From the Data Management Menu select (click on) the Data Upload option from the left menu.
  • From the Data Upload screen find and select (click on) the "Shipping Template" icon or click HERE. This will result in the Shipping Template downloading to your local computer.
  • The file that downloads is in a ".xlsx" (Excel) format.   Find that file, named "shipping.xlsx" on your local computer and open it using whichever program you use for Excel files.
  • The opened Shipping Template will look like this: Shipping Template
    1. Column A is the Header Name.
    2. Column B is a Description of the value associated with the Header Name.
    3. Column C tells the user if the value is Required, Optional or Conditional.
      1. R = Required.   For each item shipped, this field must be populated or the file will not process.
      2. O = Optional.  If you have an optional value we recommend you fill it in, however, leaving an optional value empty will not prevent you from submitting the required data.
      3. C = Conditional.   This means that one or more fields need to be entered to meet a requirement.   For example for "ship from" fields you need to provide either a duns, GLN, or the street address1,city, state, postal code, country and phone number.  You may provide more than one, such as a GLN and a DUNS or a GLN and the complete address info, but you must provide 1 of the 3 or the file will not process
    4. Column D describes the format to use for the value.
    5. Column E and beyond is where the shipping values are to be written.
      1. Please enter any values that start with a 0 (zero) like this:
        1. Value 01234 should be entered as '01234 with a single quote proceeding the value itself.
  • Once you have completed filling in the template you must save it as a CSV file.
    • You can name the file in a manner that makes sense to you, but it must be saved as a CSV file.
  • Once the file is saved return to the Data Upload screen, select (click on) the "Select a File" button.
    • Chose the file you just saved.
  • The file you selected will automatically upload and will be examined to confirm the file meets the stated requirements.
    • If the file does not meet the stated requirements an error message will be displayed.    The error message will indicate the first missing requirement detected.  Once you have corrected the file you can repeat the process.
      • Here is an example of an error message:Dropbox Error
    • If the file meets the stated requirement you will receive a "File uploaded successfully message.
      • Here is an example of that message:File Uploaded Successfully Screen
    • Once a file has been successfully uploaded you can check the status of that file by selecting (clicking on) the Data Management button.  Data Managment Button
    • This will take you to a screen showing the file up uploaded and it's current status.Data Audit Screen